Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brian Burke: Hockey's Asshole

If you are a hockey fan than the man on the left should be a familiar face. It is none other than Brian Burke, GM of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks (or Ducks as they like to be called). He could possibly be the biggest dick in NHL history. Although, the goon to his left certainly gives him a run for his money. No wonder Burke decided to sign him. Assholes gravitate towards one another. Burke already had a team of thugs who like to purposely injure opposing players. Why not add the ultimate cheap shot artist and all around master crippler?

It is really impossible to list all the things that make Brian such an asshole. He is smug. His whining is legendary. Anyone remember his whining during and after the Vancouver/Detroit series in 2002? I know I do. He thinks head shots and all around cheap play should be rewarded. These traits are just the tip of the iceberg. I sincerely believe that if someone delved into his personal life that they would find an interest in bestiality and possibly pedophilia. He may be a member of NAMBLA. He just gives off that pedo vibe. I also think that he takes showers with Pronger. And I'm not talking after game, hetero showers either. Who knows the hellish dungeon that no doubt lurks beneath the man's mansion. I get chills just thinking about it. A douche bag amongst douche bags.

I could seriously write a dissertation on this subject. Although, someone has probably beaten me too it. I'll just have to write one on Bettman.

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